
Frequently asked questions

Besides a homepage, it is also possible to add other pages, such as a 'frequently asked questions page'. Here you can put the questions you expect to be asked a lot. Of course, you can also adjust this page throughout the project. This way, you can also add new frequently asked questions.

General questions

Can YourView also be done in other corporate styles?

Yes this is certainly possible, just contact us for this. This has already been done for a number of municipalities, for example the municipality of Schiedam.

How much does it cost to deploy YourView in my project?

How much YourView costs in your project depends on your requirements. We offer a number of options. For more information and rates, please contact us.

How do I know if it is relevant to deploy YourView in my project?

YourView can be used in many projects. Both small and large. It can be used to communicate with the environment, but also as a participation website to retrieve information. In doubt? Please contact us, we will be happy to think along with you.

YourView combined with 'offline' participation

Can I use YourView and continue to facilitate physical participation as well?

You certainly can! You can think of YourView as additional to your environment management process. In fact, you can combine them very well. For stakeholders who need it, you can still organise meetings, but for stakeholders who don't have time to come there, YourView can be used to engage them. There are also many creative ways to organise a participation process in which you combine physical and online. Need inspiration? Then we are also at your service. Please contact us.

Can YourView also help me further with advice on my participation challenge?

Our engagement and stakeholder managers have extensive experience in participation projects and can provide you with advice on these. They can also help you without using YourView. Please contact us.